
Abbreviations - N

N - N asparagine.

N - N Nitrogen.

N - N normal (concentration of solution).

N - N regional lymph node metastasis.

N - N

N&M - N&M nerves and muscles.

N&T - N&T nose and throat.

N&V - N&V nausea and vomiting.

N-type - N-type null type.

N/A - N/A not applicable.

N/C - N/C nucleocytoplasmic area ratio.

N/T - N/T numbness and tingling.

N/V - N/V nausea and vomiting.

N/V/D/C - N/V/D/C nausea/vomiting/diarrhea/constipation.

NA - NA no abnormalities.

NA - NA not admitted.

NA - NA not applicable.

NA - NA not available.

Na - Na sodium.

Na-HOR - Na-HOR sodium hornan.

NAA - NAA no apparent abnormalities.

NAACCR - NAACCR North American Association of Central Cancer Registries.

NAAOP - NAAOP National Association for the Advancement of Orthotics & Prosthetics.

NABCO - NABCO National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations.

NABS - NABS normoactive bowel sounds.

NaC - NaC Na channels.

NAC - NAC N-acetyl-L-cysteine.

NAC - NAC nascent polypeptide associated complex.

NAC - NAC nitrogen assimilation control protein.

NAC - NAC non-amyloid component (of Alzheimer's disease amyloid) alpha-synuclein.

Nac - Nac nucleus accumbens.

NaCl - NaCl sodium chloride.

NACP - NACP non-amyloid-beta-component precursor (a.k.a. synuclein).

NAD - NAD nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.

NAD - NAD no active disease.

NAD - NAD no acute disease.

NAD - NAD no acute distress.

NAD - NAD no apparent distress.

NAD - NAD nothing abnormal detected.

NADP - NADP nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate.

NADW - NADW National Arthritis Data Workgroup.

NAI - NAI no acute infection.

NANA - NANA N-acetylneuraminic acid.

NAON - NAON National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses.

NAOT - NAOT National Association of Orthopaedic Technologists.

NAPRA - NAPRA National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities.

NAR - NAR narcotic.

NAR - NAR no action required.

NARD - NARD National Association of Retail Druggists.

NARD - NARD Netherlands Centre for Monitoring of Adverse Reactions to Drugs.

NARD - NARD no apparent respiratory distress.

NARD - NARD nominal absorbed radiation dose.

NAS - NAS National Academy of Sciences.

NASH - NASH nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.

NASPEM - NASPEM North American Society for Pediatric Exercise Medicine.

NASS - NASS North American Spine Society (also: AAOS Related Organizations).

NAT - NAT nucleic acid amplification testing.

NATA - NATA National Athletic Trainers Association.

NaTT - NaTT sodium tetrathionate.

NB - NB nail bed.

NB - NB neuro Behçet.

NB - NB neuroblastoma.

NB - NB neurometric battery.

NB - NB newborn.

NB - NB nitrous oxide-barbiturate.

NB - NB normoblast.

NB - NB (Lat. nota bene) note well.

NB - NB nutrient broth.

NBI - NBI no bone injury.

NBM - NBM nothing by mouth.

NBP - NBP non-invasive blood pressure.

NBS - NBS normal breath sounds.

NBSS - NBSS The Canadian National Breast Screening Study.

NC - NC no change.

NC - NC no complaint.

NC - NC non-contributory.

NC - NC nuclear cytoplasmic (ratio).

NC/AT - NC/AT normocephalic/atraumatic.

NCBI - NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information (US).

NCC - NCC National Competition Council (AU).

NCC - NCC National Consumer Council (UK).

NCC - NCC National Coordinating Center.

NCCF - NCCF National Childhood Cancer Foundation (USA).

NCCI - NCCI National Consultative Committee on Immunization.

NCCI - NCCI nervi corpori cardiaci interni.

NCCI - NCCI noncardiac cerebral ischemia.

NCCLS - NCCLS National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards.

NCD - NCD not considered disabling.

NCEP - NCEP National Cholesterol Education Program.

NCHS - NCHS National Center for Health Statistics.

NCI - NCI National Cancer Institute (USA).

NCNS - NCNS no complications no sequelae.

NCO - NCO no complaints offered.

NCPP - NCPP National Collaborative Perinatal Project.

NCR - NCR no cardiac resuscitation.

NCR paper - NCR paper no carbon required paper.

NCRA - NCRA National Cancer Registrars Association (USA).

NCS - NCS neocarzinostatin.

NCS - NCS nerve conduction studies.

NCV - NCV nerve conduction velocities.

NCV - NCV non-cholera vibrios.

NCV - NCV nuclear coefficient of variance.

ND - ND non distended.

ND - ND nondisabling.

NDA - NDA new drug application.

NDF - NDF neutral detergent fiber.

NDSAC - NDSAC National Drug Scheduling Advisory Committee (Canada).

NE - NE nerve ending.

NE - NE neurologic examination.

NEC - NEC necrotizing enterocolitis.

NEC - NEC Nursing Education Coalition.

NECCR - NECCR North of England Children's Cancer Research Unit.

NED - NED no effort detected.

NED - NED no evidence of disease.

NEFA - NEFA non-esterified fatty acids.

neg - neg negative.

NEJM - NEJM New England Journal of Medicine.

NEO - NEO neostigmine.

NEP - NEP neutral endopeptidase 24.11.

NER - NER no evidence of recurrence.

NERD - NERD no evidence of recurrent disease.

NETA - NETA norethisterone acetate.

Neuro - neurology - Neuro - neurology neurological

NFP - NFP neurofilament protein.

NFR - NFR not for resuscitation.

NFRA - NFRA National Fibromyalgia Research Association (US).

NFs - NFs neurofilaments.

ng - ng nanogram (millimicron) - 0.000000001 gram.

NG - NG N-G nasogastric.

NGO - NGO Non-Governmental Organization.

NGT - NGT nasogastric tube.

NGU - NGU nongonococcal urethritis.

NH - NH natural health.

NH - NH neurologic history.

NH - NH neuropsychiatric hospital.

NH - NH nursing home

NHANES - NHANES II Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

NHANES - NHANES National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

NHIS - NHIS National Health Interview Survey.

NHL - NHL non Hodgkin's lymphoma.

NHP - NHP natural head position.

NHS - NHS National Health Service.

NHSCR - NHSCR National Health Service Central Registry (UK).

NIA - NIA National Institute on Aging.

NIAMS - NIAMS National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (US).

NICU - NICU neonatal intensive care unit.

NICU - NICU neurointensive care unit.

NIDA - NIDA National Institute on Drug Abuse.

NIDDM - NIDDM non insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus type II.

NIDRR - NIDRR National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research.

NIF - NIF negative inspiratory force.

NIH - NIH National Institute of Health (US).

NII - NII neuronal intranuclear inclusion.

NIL - NIL nothing.

NIMH - NIMH National Institute of Mental Health.

NIP - NIP no infection present; no inflammation present.

NIPB - NIPB non-invasive blood pressure.

NIR - NIR near infrared.

NIRS - NIRS Near Infrared Spectroscopy.

NIRVANA - NIRVANA NIR Vascular Advanced North American.

NISMAT - NISMAT Nicholas Institute of Sports Medicine and Athletic Trauma.

NIV - NIV non-invasive ventilation.

NK - NK natural killer cells (large lymphocytes part of the immune system).

NK - NK not known.

NKA - NKA no known allergies.

NKCA - NKCA National Kidney Cancer Association (USA).

NKD - NKD no known disease.

NKDA - NKDA no known drug allergies.

NKHS - NKHS non-ketotic hyperosmolar syndrome.

NL - NL normal limits.

NL - NL normal.

NL/NP - NL/NP non-lactating/non-pregnant.

NL/P - NL/P nonlactating/pregnant.

NLG - NLG natural latex gloves.

NLG - NLG nerve conduction velocities.

NLG - NLG Nictitans lacrimal gland.

NLG - NLG noreleagnine.

NLM - NLM National Library of Medicine (part of NIH).

NLP - NLP no light perception; normal light perception.

NLPHL - NLPHL nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma.

NLS - NLS nuclear localization signal.

NLT - NLT not lower than.

NM - NM neuromuscular.

NM - NM nodular melanoma.

NM - NM not measured.

NM - NM not mentioned.

NMA - NMA neurogenic muscular atrophy.

NMBA - NMBA neuromuscular blocking agent.

NMDA - NMDA N-methyl-D-aspartate.

NMdNM - NMdNM N-methyl-1-deoxynojirimycin.

NMDP - NMDP National Marrow Donor Program.

NMJ - NMJ neuromuscular junction.

NMKI - NMKI Nordic Committee for Food Analysis.

NMR - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance (scan).

NMS - NMS neuroleptic malignant syndrome.

NMSC - NMSC non melanoma skin cancer.

nmSC - nmSC nonmyelinating Schwann cells.

NMSC - NMSC nonmyelin-forming Schwann cells.

NMSS - NMSS National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

NMT - NMT not more than.

NMZL - NMZL nodal marginal zone b-cell lymphoma.

NN - NN neonatal; nerves; nurse notes.

NNFF - NNFF National Neurofibromatosis Foundation (USA).

NNP - NNP 4-hydroxy-3.5-dinitrophenyl.

NNP - NNP diabetic non-neuropathic.

NNP - NNP neonatal nurse practitioners.

NNP - NNP nerve net pulses.

NNP - NNP N-nitroso-2-nitrophenacetin.

NNP - NNP N-nitrosopiperidine.

NNP - NNP N-nitrosopropranolol.

NNP - NNP N-nitrosopyrrolidine.

NNP - NNP non-histone nuclear proteins.

NNP - NNP non-neoplastic pneumopathy.

NNP - NNP nonneoplastic polyps.

NNP - NNP non-pregnant normotensive women.

NNP - NNP normal non-pregnant.

NNP - NNP nose/nasopharynx.

NNP - NNP sodium nitroprusside.

NNP-1 - NNP-1 novel nuclear protein (HGMW-approved symbol D21S2056E).

NNPs - NNPs nerve net pulses.

NNR - NNR not necessary to return.

NNT - NNT number needed to treat.

NO - NO nitric oxide.

no - no number.

NO2 - NO2 nitrogen dioxide.

NOAEL - NOAEL no observable adverse effect level.

NOC - NOC night.

NOD - NOD non-obese diabetic.

NOEL - NOEL no observable effect level.

NOF - NOF National Osteoporosis Foundation.

NOF - NOF neck of femur.

NOHA - NOHA Nominal Ocular Hazard Area.

NOK - NOK next of kin.

non-IgSF - non-IgSF non-Ig superfamily.

NONAS - NONAS number of non-aligned proximal tooth surfaces.

NONMEM - NONMEM nonlinear mixed effect model.

NOP - NOP no ocular pain; not otherwise provided for.

NORD - NORD National Organization for Rare Disorders (USA).

NOS - NOS nitric oxide synthase.

NOS - NOS no organisms seen.

NOS - NOS not on staff;

NOS - NOS not otherwise specified.

NotI - NotI restriction enzyme from Nocardia otitidis-cavarium.

NOV - NOV Nederlandse Orthopaedisch Vereniging (Dutch Orthopaedic Association).

NP - NP nasopharynx; neuropathology; not palpable.

NP - NP nonpreferring (alcohol).

NP - NP nurse practitioner.

NPBE - NPBE non-protein-bound estradiol.

NPC - NPC nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

NPC - NPC no previous complaint

NPCMD - NPCMD p-nitrophenoxycarbonyl methyl disulfide.

NPD - NPD no pathologic diagnosis.

NPDL - NPDL nodular poorly differentiated lymphocytes.

NPH - NPH neutral protamine Hagedorn - an intermediate acting insulin.

NPH - NPH no previous history.

NPI - NPI National Program of Immunization.

NPI-NH - NPI-NH neuropsychiatric inventory/nursing home.

NPN - NPN nonprotein nitrogen (BUN and creatinine).

nPNA - nPNA normalized protein nitrogen appearance rates.

NPO - NPO nil per os - nothing by mouth.

NPO MN - NPO MN nothing by mouth after midnight.

NPP - NPP National Population Policy.

NPT - NPT normal pressure and temperature.

NPV - NPV negative predictive value.

NQMI - NQMI non-Q-wave myocardial infarction.

NQWMI - NQWMI non-Q-wave myocardial infarction.

NR - NR nerve root.

NR - NR not recommended.

NR - NR not remarkable.

NRBC - NRBC nucleated red blood cells.

NRC - NRC National Research Council.

NRCS - NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service.

NRCT - NRCT National Registry of Childhood Tumors (UK) held by the CCRG at Oxford.

NRI - NRI nerve root involvement or irritation.

NRL - NRL natural rubber latex.

NRM - NRM normal range of motion.

NRN - NRN no return necessary.

NROM - NROM normal range of motion.

NRT - NRT nicotine replacement therapy.

NRTI - NRTI nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitors.

NS - NS nephrotic syndrome.

NS - NS nerves; neurosurgery; no show nonspecific.

NS - NS nodular sclerosis (classical Hodgkin lymphoma).

NS - NS nonserrated cells (type of basal epidermal cells).

NS - NS normal saline (solution).

NS5A. nonstructural protein 5A. - NS5A. nonstructural protein 5A.

NSA - NSA no significant abnormalities.

NSAD - NSAD no sign of significant disease.

NSAID - NSAID non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

NSC - NSC neurosecretory cells.

NSC - NSC no significant change.

NSCIA - NSCIA National Spinal Cord Injury Association.

NSCLC - NSCLC non-small cell lung cancer.

NSD - NSD N-acetylneuraminic acid (NANA) storage disorders.

NSD - NSD Nairobi sheep disease.

NSD - NSD nasal septal deformity.

NSD - NSD neurosecretory dysfunction.

NSD - NSD neurosensory deficit.

NSD - NSD night shift dose.

NSD - NSD nigrostriatal degeneration.

NSD - NSD nitrofurazone soluble dressing.

NSD - NSD no significant defect.

NSD - NSD no significant differences.

NSD - NSD no sleep deprivation.

NSD - NSD nominal standard dose.

NSD - NSD non surgical doctors.

NSD - NSD nonsegmental defect.

NSD - NSD non-soap detergent.

NSD - NSD non-specific damage.

NSD - NSD non-specific defense.

NSD - NSD nonspecific dermatitis.

NSD - NSD non-specific duodenitis.

NSD - NSD non-sudden death.

NSD - NSD nonsuicidal depressed.

NSD - NSD nonsyndromic prelingual deafness.

NSD - NSD normal sodium dialysate.

NSD - NSD normal spontaneous delivery.

NSD - NSD normal-coordinate structural decomposition.

NSD - NSD normalized slope descriptors.

NSD - NSD normalized spin density.

NSD - NSD normalized standard deviation.

NSD - NSD normal-salt diet.

NSD - NSD normotensive sedentary.

NSD - NSD number of step-down.

NSD 2023 - NSD 2023 gamma-morpholino-butyrophenone (a monoamine oxidase inhibitor).

NSD 3004 - NSD 3004 2-amino-4-phenylsulphonylbenzenesulphonamide.

nsd-1 - nsd-1 nonsusceptibility to DNV-1 (a recessive gene in the silkworm Bombyx mori).

NSD-1015 - NSD-101534-hydroxybenzyl-hydrazine dihydrochloride.

NSD-1055 - NSD-1055 aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) inhibitor.

nsd-2 - nsd-2 nonsusceptibility to DNV-2 (a recessive gene in the silkworm Bombyx mori).

NSDD-38 - NSDD-38 National Security Decision Directive-38.

NSE - NSE neuron-specific enolase - a neural marker.

NSE - NSE non-specific esterase.

NSF - NSF no significant findings.

NSG - NSG nursing.

NSH - NSH National Health Service (UK).

NSHD - NSHD nodular sclerosing Hodgkin's disease.

NSHL - NSHL nodular sclerosis classical Hodgkin lymphoma.

NSI - NSI no sign of infection inflammation.

NSM - NSM neurosecretory material.

NSMI - NSMI National Sports Medicine Institute of the United Kingdom.

NSR - NSR non significant result.

NSR - NSR normal sinus rhythm.

NSS - NSS normal saline solution; normal size and shape.

NSVD - NSVD normal spontaneous vaginal delivery.

NSX - NSX N4-acetylsulfisoxazole.

NSx - NSx neonatally splenectomized (animals).

NT - NT naso-tracheal; nerve treatment; normal temperature; no test not tested.

NT - NT non tender.

NT - NT normal range.

nt - nt nucleotide.

NTD - NTD neural tube defect.

NTG - NTG nitroglycerine.

NTLI - NTLI neurotensin-like immunoreactivity.

NTM - NTM nontuberculous mycobacteria.

NTP - NTP National Toxicology Program.

NTP - NTP normal temperature and pressure.

NTS - NTS nucleus tractus solitarius.

NUFIP - NUFIP nuclear FMRP-interacting protein.

NV - NV nausea vomiting.

NV - NV neurovascular.

NVD - NVD nausea vomiting diarrhea.

NVI - NVI iris neovascularization.

NWB - NWB non-weight bearing.

NWDA - NWDA National Wholesale Druggists' Association.

NWOTA - NWOTA North West Orthopaedic Trainees Association

NXG - NXG necrobiotic xanthogranuloma.

NYD - NYD not yet diagnosed.

NYHA - NYHA New York Heart Association.

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