
Abbreviations - S

S - S serine.

s - s sine without.

S - S specialist (physician).

S - S

S & sx - S & sx signs and symptoms

S&S - S&S signs and symptoms.

s(with line over it) - s(with line over it) without.

S-DSA - S-DSA stepping digital subtraction angiography.

S-K - S-K Sauve Kapandji (procedure).

S-Mgb - S-Mgb serum myoglobin.

S-phase - S-phase proliferative index % of tumor cells actively dividing at a given time

S-PMI - S-PMI subendocardial perioperative myocardial injury.

S/L - S/L sublingual.

S/M - S/M sudomasochism.

S/P - S/P status post

S/S - S/S signs and symptoms (also SAS).

S3 - S3 (cardiac) third sound.

SA - SA sinoatrial node.

SA - SA surface area (see BSA).

SAE - SAE serious adverse event.

SAFHS - SAFHS sonic accelerated fracture healing system.

SAH - SAH subarachnoid hemorrhage.

SAL - SAL saline.

SAM - SAM sulfur-adenosylmethionine.

SaO2 - SaO2 systemic arterial oxygen saturation (%).

SAR - SAR specific absorption rate (MRI).

SAR - SAR suspected adverse reaction.

SARSS - SARSS suspected adverse reaction surveillance scheme.

SAS - SAS signs and symptoms (also S/S).

SAS - SAS statistical analysis system.

SASOC - SASOC the Social Acceptability Scale of Occlusal Conditions.

SAT - SAT South African territories.

SATO - SATO Sociedad Andaluza de Traumatologia y Ortopedia (Andalusian Society of Traumatology & Orthopaedics).

Sau3A - Sau3A restriction enzyme from Staphylococcus aureus 3A.

SB - SB sudan black.

SBB - SBB sudan black B.

SBCP - SBCP Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plastica (Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery).

SBE - SBE shortness of breath on exertion.

SBE - SBE subacute bacterial endocarditis.

SBFT - SBFT small bowel follow through series.

SBM - SBM soybean meal.

SBO - SBO side branch occlusion (in coronary artery stenting).

SBO - SBO skull base osteomyelitis.

SBO - SBO small bowel obstruction.

SBO - SBO soyabean oil.

SBOT - SBOT Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia (Brazilian Association of Orthopaedics and Traumatology).

SBP - SBP systemic/ systolic blood pressure.

SC - SC s.c. subcutaneous.

SC - SC scaphocapitate.

SC - SC stratum corneum.

SC - SC subcutaneous.

SCAI - SCAI The Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions.

SCAN - SCAN suspected child abuse or neglect.

SCC - SCC squamous cell carcinoma.

SCC - SCC standard clinical criteria.

SCCOT - SCCOT Colombian Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology.

SCD - SCD sequential compression device.

SCD - SCD sickle cell disease.

SCD - SCD spinocerebellar degenerations.

SCD - SCD sudden cardiac death.

SCDs - SCDs scalp current densities.

SCDS - SCDS Seychelles Child Development Study.

SCDS - SCDS Sheffield child development study.

SCDs - SCDs sickle cell diseases.

SCDs - SCDs steroid contraceptive drugs.

SCDS - SCDS sudden cardiac death syndrome.

SCE - SCE sister-chromatid exchange.

SCF - SCF stem cell factor.

SCFE - SCFE slipped capital femoral epiphysis (case report).

SCHIP - SCHIP State Children's Health Insurance Program.

SCI - SCI spinal cord injury.

SCICU - SCICU spinal cord intensive care unit.

SCID - SCID severe combined immunodeficiency disease.

SCIWORA - SCIWORA spinal cord injury without radiologic abnormality (Wheeless Textbook: Fractures).

SCJ - SCJ squamocolumnar junction.

SCLC - SCLC Small cell lung cancer

SCOI - SCOI Southern California Orthopaedic Institute.

SCS - SCS spinal chord stimulation.

SCS - SCS Spinal Cord Society.

SCTN - SCTN Scottish Cancer Therapy Network

SD - SD shoulder disarticulation.

SD - SD signal detection.

SD - SD stable disease.

SD - SD standard deviation.

SDAT - SDAT senile dementia of Alzheimer's type.

SDH - SDH sorbitol deshydrogenase.

SDU - SDU source delivery unit.

SDU - SDU standard deviation units.

SDV - SDV Source Data Verification

SE - SE spin echo (MRI).

SE - SE staphylococcal enterotoxins.

SEB - SEB staphylococcal enterotoxin B.

sec - sec second.

SEC - SEC spontaneous echo contrast.

SECOT - SECOT Sociedad Espanola de Chirurgia Ortopedica y Traumatologia (only Spanish).

sed rate - sed rate sedimentation rate.

segs - segs polymorphonuclear neutrophil

SEHCS - SEHCS silicones environmental health and safety concil.

SEM - SEM scanning electron microscopy.

SEM - SEM standard error of the mean.

Ser - Ser serine.

SES - SES sick euthyroid syndrome.

SES - SES socioeconomic status.

SETTLE - SETTLE spindle epithelial tumor with thymus-like differentiation.

SF - SF swine fever.

SFA - SFA French Society of Arthroscopy score.

SFA - SFA saturated fatty acids.

SFA - SFA screen-film angiography.

SFA - SFA spike frequency adaptation.

SFA - SFA spindle frequency activity.

SFA - SFA standing foot angle.

SFA - SFA superficial femoral artery.

SFOP - SFOP French Paediatric Oncology Society.

SG - SG specific gravity.

SG-P - SG-P silica glass powder.

SGA - SGA small-for-gestational age.

SGC - SGC salivary gland carcinoma.

SGDM - SGDM Study Group on Data Management.

sGMM - sGMM synthetic glucose monomycolate.

SGO - SGO Society of Gynecologic Oncologists.

SGOT - SGOT serum glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase (see AST).

SGPT - SGPT Serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (see ALT).

SH - SH social history serum hepatitis.

SH - SH Society for Hematopathology.

SHAFT - SHAFT Sad Hostile Anxious Frustrating

SHBG - SHBG sex hormone binding globulin.

SHG - SHG sonohysterography.

SHO - SHO Senior House Officer.

SHR - SHR spontaneously hypertensive rats.

SI - SI International System of Units.

SI - SI serum iron.

SI - SI shock index.

SI - SI Steel (mouse).

SI - SI syncytium-inducing viral phenotype.

SIADH - SIADH syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion.

SICOT - SICOT International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (AAOS Specialty Societies: SICOT US Chapter).

SICU - SICU surgical intensive care unit.

SIDS - SIDS Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS Network).

sig - sig instructions or directions.

SIg - SIg surface immunoglobulins.

SIL - SIL squamous intraepithelial lesions.

SIM - SIM Society of the Internet in Medicine.

SIMA - SIMA small intestinal mucinous antigen.

SIOP - SIOP International Society of Paediatric Oncology.

SIOT - SIOT Societa Italiana di Ortopedia e Traumatologia (Italian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology).

SIR - SIR standardized incidence ratio.

SIROT - SIROT Societee Internationale de Recherche Orthopeique et Traumatologie.

SIRP - SIRP signal-regulatory proteins.

SIRS - SIRS systemic inflammatory response syndrome.

SIS - SIS small intestinal submucosa (hernia repair).

SITOP - SITOP Societa Italiana di Ortopedia e Traumatologia Pediatrica (Italian Society of Paediatric Orthopaedics and Traumatology).

SK - SK streptokinase.

sk - sk trx skeletal traction.

SKSD - SKSD SK-SD streptokinase-streptodomase.

sl - sl in a broad sense (Lat.sensu lato).

SL - SL sarcolemma.

SL - SL scapholunate.

SL - SL sclerosing leukoencephalopathy.

SL - SL secondary leukemia.

SL - SL segment length.

SL - SL sensation level.

SL - SL sensory latency.

SL - SL septal leaflet.

SL - SL short-leg (brace).

SL - SL Sibley-Lehninger (unit).

SL - SL signal level.

SL - SL Sinding Larsen (syndrome).

SL - SL Sjogren-Larsson (syndrome).

SL - SL slit lamp.

SL - SL small lymphocyte.

SL - SL sodium lactate.

SL - SL solidified liquid.

SL - SL sound level.

SL - SL Stein-Leventhal (syndrome).

sl - sl stemline.

SL - SL streptolysin.

sl - sl sublingual.

SL - SL sublingual.

SL - SL systolic wave latent.

SL1 - SL1 segment length inferior.

SL5 - SL5 segment length septal.

SLA - SLA left sacroanterior (fetal position) (Lat.sacrolaeva anterior).

SLA - SLA segment length anterior.

SLA - SLA single-cell liquid cytotoxic assay.

SLA - SLA slide latex agglutination.

SLA - SLA soluble liver antigen.

SLA - SLA superficial linear array.

SLA - SLA surfactant-like activity.

SLAC - SLAC scapholunate advanced collapse (wrist).

SLAM - SLAM scanning laser acoustic microscope.

SLAM - SLAM systemic lupus erythematosus activity measure.

SLAP - SLAP serum leucine aniinopeptidase.

SLAP - SLAP superior labrum anterior posterior (lesion).

SLAT - SLAT simultaneous laryngoscopy and abdominal thrusts.

SLB - SLB short-leg brace.

SLC - SLC secondary lymphoid organ chemokine.

SLC - SLC short leg cast.

SLCC - SLCC short-leg cylinder cast.

SLD - SLD SLDH serum lactate dehydrogenase.

SLD - SLD sublethal damage.

SLDR - SLDR sublethal damage repair.

SLE - SLE slit lamp examination.

SLE - SLE St.Louis encephalitis.

SLE - SLE systemic lupus erythematosus.

SLEA - SLEA sheep erythrocyte antibody.

SLEDAI - SLEDAI systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index.

SLEP - SLEP short latent evoked potential.

SLEV - SLEV St.Louis encephalitis virus.

SLG - SLG synthetic latex gloves.

SLHR - SLHR sex-linked hypophospbatemic rickets.

SLI - SLI selective lymphoid irradiation.

SLI - SLI somatostatin-like immunoreactivity.

SLI - SLI splenic localization index.

SLIC - SLIC scanning liquid ionization chamber.

SLIDRC - SLIDRC Student Loan Interest Deduction Restoration Coalition.

SLIL - SLIL scapholunate interosseous ligament.

SLIM - SLIM synovial-like interface membrane.

SLIP - SLIP serial line interface protocol.

SLIR - SLIR somatostatjn-like iminunoreactivity.

SLK - SLK superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis.

SLKC - SLKC superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis.

SLL - SLL segment length lateral.

SLL - SLL small lymphocytic lymphoma.

SLM - SLM sound level meter.

SLMC - SLMC spontaneous lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity.

SLN - SLN sublentiform nucleus.

SLN - SLN superior laryngeal nerve.

SLNWBC - SLNWBC short-leg non-weight bearing cast.

SLNWC - SLNWC short-leg nonwalking cast.

SLO - SLO Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome.

SLO - SLO streptolysin O.

SLOS - SLOS Smith-Lenili-Opitz syndrome.

SLP - SLP left sacroposterior (fetal position) (Lat.sacrolaeva posterior).

SLP - SLP segmental limb systolic pressure.

SLP - SLP sex-limited protein.

SLP - SLP short luteal phase.

SLP - SLP subluxation of the patella.

SLPI - SLPI secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor.

SLPP - SLPP serum lipophosphoprotein.

SLR - SLR Shwartzman local reaction.

SLR - SLR single lens reflex.

SLR - SLR straight leg raising.

SLRT - SLRT straight leg raising test.

SLS - SLS segment long-spacing.

SLS - SLS short-leg splint.

SLS - SLS single limb support.

SLS - SLS Sjogren-Larsson syndrome.

SLS - SLS stagnant loop syndrome.

SLS - SLS Stein-Leventhal syndrome.

SLT - SLT left sacrotransverse (fetal position) (Lat.sacrolaeva transversa).

SLT - SLT single lung transplantation.

SLT - SLT smokeless tobacco.

SLT - SLT solid logic technology.

SLUD - SLUD salivation lacrimation urination defecation.

SLUDGE - SLUDGE salivation lacrimation urination defecation

SLWC - SLWC short-leg walking cast.

sm - sm an small animal.

SM - SM Master of Science.

SM - SM sadomasochism.

Sm - Sm samarium.

SM - SM self-monitoring.

Sm - Sm Serratia marcescens.

SM - SM silicon microphysiometer.

SM - SM simple mastectomy.

SM - SM skim milk.

sm - sm smear.

Sm - Sm Smith (antigen).

SM - SM smooth muscle.

SM - SM somatomedin (insulin-like growth factors).

SM - SM space medicine.

SM - SM sphingomyelin.

SM - SM splenic macrophage.

SM - SM sports medicine.

SM - SM streptomycin.

SM - SM StrUmpell-Marie (syndrome).

SM - SM submandibular.

SM - SM submaxillary.

SM - SM submucous.

sM - sM suckling mouse.

SM - SM suckling mouse.

SM - SM sucrose medium.

SM - SM suction method.

SM - SM superior mesenteric.

SM - SM surgical microscope.

SM - SM surrogate mother.

SM - SM sustained medication.

SM - SM symptoms.

SM - SM synaptic membrane.

SM - SM synovial membrane.

SM - SM systolic motion.

SM - SM systolic murmur.

SM-A - SM-A somatomedin A.

SM-AHNMD - SM-AHNMD systemic mastocytosis with associated clonal hematopoietic non-mast cell lineage disorder.

SM-C - SM-C Sm-C somatomedin C.

SM-C - SM-C somatomedin C.

SM-C/IGF - SM-C/IGF somatomedin C/insulin-like growth factor.

sm. - sm. small.

SMA - SMA sequential multiple analysis or analyzer; sequential multichannel autoanalyzer: simultaneous multichannel autoanalyzer.

SMA - SMA smooth muscle antibody.

SMA - SMA Society for Medical Anthropology.

SMA - SMA somatomedin A.

SMA - SMA spinal muscular atrophy.

SMA - SMA spontaneous motor activity.

SMA - SMA Sport Medicine Australia.

SMA - SMA standard method agar.

SMA - SMA superior mesenteric artery.

SMA - SMA supplementary motor area.

SMA-6 - SMA-6 Sequential Multiple Analysis in-six different serum tests.

SMABF - SMABF superior mesenteric artery blood flow.

SMAC - SMAC Sequential Multiple Analyzer Computer.

SMAC - SMAC soluble membrane attack complex.

SMAC - SMAC sorbitol MacConkey agar.

SMAC - SMAC superior mesenteric arterial conductance.

SMaC - SMaC Surrogate Marker Cost-Efficacy.

SMAE - SMAE superior mesenteric artery embolism.

SMAF - SMAF smooth muscle activating factor.

SMAF - SMAF specific macrophage arming factor.

SMAG - SMAG Special Medical Advisory Group.

SMAL - SMAL serum methyl alcohol level.

SMAO - SMAO superior mesenteric artery occlusion.

SMART - SMART simultaneous multiple angle reconstruction technique.

SMAS - SMAS submuscular aponeurotic system.

SMAS - SMAS superficial musculo-aponeurotic system.

SMAS - SMAS superior mesenteric artery syndrome.

SMAST - SMAST Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test.

SMB - SMB selected mucosal biopsy.

SMB - SMB standard mineral base.

sMb - sMb suckling mouse brain.

SMBFT - SMBFT small bowel follow-through.

SMBG - SMBG self-monitored blood glucose.

SMC - SMC Scientific Manpower Commission.

SMC - SMC smooth muscle cell.

SMC - SMC somatomedin C.

SMC - SMC succinylmonocholine.

SMCA - SMCA smooth muscle contracting agent.

SMCA - SMCA suckling mouse cataract agent.

SMCD - SMCD senile macular choroidal degeneration.

SMCD - SMCD systemic mast cell disease.

SMCD - SMCD systemic meningococcal disease.

SMCR - SMCR Smith-Magenis chromosome region.

SMD - SMD senile macular degeneration.

SMD - SMD spondylometaphyseal dysplasia.

SMD - SMD submanubrial dullness.

SMDA - SMDA Safe Medical Devices Act (of 1990).

SMDA - SMDA starch methylenedianiline.

SMDC - SMDC sodium-N-methyl dithiocarbamate.

SMDC - SMDC standards for medical device communication.

SMDM - SMDM Society for Medical Decision Making.

SMDS - SMDS secondary myelodysplastic syndrome.

SME - SME severe myoclonic epilepsy.

SMED - SMED spondylometaphyseal dysplasia.

SMF - SMF secondary myelofibrosis.

SMO - SMO Sociedad Mexicana de Ortopedia (only Spanish).

SMP - SMP sympathetic maintained pain.

SMR - SMR sexual maturity ratings.

SMR - SMR submucous resection.

SMS - SMS solitary myofibroma(tosis) of the skin.

SMTP - SMTP Stachybotrys microspora triprenyl phenol.

SMX - SMX sulfamethoxazole.

SN - SN séroneutralization.

SNARF-1 - SNARF-1 carboxy-seminaphthorhodafluor.

SNLG - SNLG Scottish and Newcastle Lymphoma Group.

SNP - SNP sodium nitroprusside.

SO - SO standing order OR significant other.

SO - SO superior oblique.

SOA - SOA Southern Orthopaedic Association.

SOAP - SOAP symptoms objective assessment and plan.

SOB - SOB shortness of breath.

SOBCOT - SOBCOT Societee Belge de Chirurgie Orthop?ique et de Traumatologie (Belgian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology).

SOCITRAS - SOCITRAS Societa Italiana di Traumatologia della Strada (Italian Society of Road Traumatology).

SOFCOT - SOFCOT French Society of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery.

SOFIGO - SOFIGO The International Association of Supporters of FIGO.

sol - sol solution.

SOMOS - SOMOS Society of Military Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS).

SOP - SOP standard operating protocol.

sos - sos if necessary.

SOTOCAV - SOTOCAV Sociedad de Ortopedia y Traumatologia de la Comunidad Autonoma Valenciana (only Spanish).

SOTRS - SOTRS Sociedade de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Rio Grande do Sul (only Portuguese).

SP-1 - SP-1 pregnancy-specific beta-1-glycoprotein.

sp. gr. - sp. gr. specific gravity.

SPC - SPC septal perforator compression.

SPC - SPC soybean phosphatidylcholine.

SPC - SPC sphingosylphosphorylcholine.

SPC - SPC spleen cells.

SPC - SPC spontaneous phasic contractions.

SPC - SPC Summary of Product Characteristics.

SPC - SPC systemic to pulmonary collaterals.

SPD - SPD phase difference" method.

spec - spec specimen.

SPECT - SPECT single photon emission computed tomography.

SPF - SPF sun protection factor.

SPF - SPF S-phase fraction.

SPIO - SPIO superparamagnetic iron oxide MRI enhancement.

SPOHNC - SPOHNC Support for People with Oral and Head and Neck Cancer.

SQ - SQ sq subq. subcutaneous.

sq. - sq. squamous.

SR - SR sedimentation rate.

SR - SR Show Racer pigeons.

SRIF - SRIF somatotropin release-inhibiting factor (somatostatin).

SRS - SRS Scoliosis Research Society (also: AAOS Specialty Societies).

ss - ss one half.

SS - SS Salmonella-Shigella agar.

SS - SS systemic sclerosis.

ss. gl. - ss. gl. without glasses (or corrective lenses)

SSA - SSA Social Security Administration (US).

SSC - SSC side scatter (flow cytometry term).

SSCP - SSCP substernal chest pain.

SSD - SSD sexual size dimorphism.

SSD - SSD shaded-surface display.

SSD - SSD single saturating dose.

SSD - SSD single-strand damage (DNA). Tenacious Syndrome.

SSD - SSD Social Security disability.

SSD - SSD source-skin distance.

SSD - SSD source-surface distance.

SSD - SSD speech-sound discrimination.

SSD - SSD succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase.

SSD - SSD sum of square deviations.

SSD - SSD syndrome ofsudden death.

SSE - SSE soap suds enema.

SSE - SSE Spine Society Of Europe.

SSEP - SSEP somatosensory evoked potentials.

SSER - SSER somatosensory evoked response.

SSKI - SSKI saturated solution of potassium iodine.

SSM - SSM Southern Sports Medicine (& Orthopaedic Center).

SSM - SSM Superficial Spreading Melanoma.

SSR - SSR sympathetic skin response.

SSRI - SSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

SSS - SSS sick sinus syndrome.

SSSS - SSSS staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome.

SstII - SstII restriction enzyme from Streptomyces stanford.

ST - ST esotropia.

ST - ST scaphotrapezial.

ST - ST sulfotransferases.

ST - ST syncytiotrophoblast.

st. - st. stage of disease.

Staph - Staph Staphylococcus.

STAT - STAT immediately.

STAT - STAT signal transducers and activators of transcription.

STD - STD sexually transmitted disease.

STD - STD skin test dose.

STD - STD standart.

STH - STH somatotropin.

STI - STI systolic time intervals.

STIs - STIs soft tissue infections.

STLN - STLN soft tissue lateral neck.

STR - STR single twitch response (EMG).

STR - STR slow-twitch red (skeletal muscle).

Strep - Strep Streptococcus.


STS - STS serological test for syphilis.

STS - STS single twitch stimulation (EMG).

STS - STS Society of Thoracic Surgeons.

STSG - STSG split thickness skin graft.

STT - STT scapho-trapezo-trapezoidal.

STZ - STZ streptozotocin.

subcu. - subcu. SC subcutaneous.

Subq - Subq (sub cutis) subcutaneous.

SUDAAN - SUDAAN software for statistical analysis of correlated data.

SUDS - SUDS single-use diagnostic system.

SUFE (radiograph) - SUFE (radiograph) slip of the upper femoral epiphysis.

supp - supp suppository.

suppos - suppos suppository.

surg - surg surgical.

SUs - SUs substance users.

susp - susp suspension.

SUVs - SUVs unilamellar vesicles.

Sv - Sv sievert.

SV - SV simian virus.

SV - SV stroke volume.

SV40 - SV40 simian vacuolating virus no. 40.

SVA - SVA sequential ventriculo-atrial pacing.

SVA - SVA shell vial assay.

SVA - SVA sinus of Valsalva aneurysms.

SVA - SVA supraventricular arrhythmia.

SVA-IFA - SVA-IFA shell vial assay-indirect immunofluorescent assay.

SVC - SVC superior vena cava.

SVD - SVD Swine Vesicular Disease.

SVE - SVE of soil vapor extraction.

SVE - SVE saline volume expansion.

SVE - SVE seminal vesicle epithelium.

SVE - SVE Sendai virus envelopes.

SVE - SVE serum vitamin E.

SVE - SVE significant villous edema.

SVE - SVE small volume expansion.

SVE - SVE sports vision evaluations.

SVE - SVE Stressful Vital Events.

SVe - SVe stroke volume echocardiography.

SVE - SVE subcortical vascular encephalopathy.

SVE - SVE supraventricular ectopy.

SVE - SVE supraventricular extrasystole.

SVE - SVE surveillance examinations.

SVE - SVE sustained volume expansion.

SVG - SVG saphenous vein graft.

SVI - SVI stroke volume index.

SvO2 - SvO2 mixed venous hemoglobin saturation.

SVR - SVR systemic vascular resistance.

SVT - SVT supra ventricular tachycardia

SW - SW software.

SWA - SWA slow-wave activity.

SWI - SWI surgical wound infection.

SWOG - SWOG Southwest Oncology Group.

SWPS - SWPS Social Welfare Policy & Services.

SWT - SWT systolic wall thickening.

Sx - Sx signs and symptoms.

SX - SX sulfisoxazole.

Sx - Sx symptom/s.

Sz - Sz seizure.

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