
Abbreviations - U

U - U congenital limb absence.

U - U in electrocardiography an undulating deflection that follows the T wave.

U - U internal energy.

U - U International Unit of enzyme activity.

U - U Mann-Whitney rank sum statistic.

U - U potential difference (in volts).

U - U ulcer.

U - U ulna.

U - U ultralente (insulin).

U - U umbilicus.

U - U uncertain.

U - U unerupted.

u - u unified atomic mass unit.

U - U unit.

U - U universial application (residency).

U - U unknown.

U - U unsharpness.

U - U upper.

U - U uracil.

U - U uranium.

U - U urea.

U - U urethra.

U - U uridine.

U - U uridylic acid.

U - U urinary concentration.

U - U urine.

U - U urology.

U - U uterus.

U - U uvula.

u - u velocity.

U - U volume velocity.

U - U

U&C - U&C urethral and cervical.

U&C - U&C usual and customary.

U&Es - U&Es urea and electrolytes

U-AMY - U-AMY urinary amylase.

U/2 - U/2 upper half.

U/3 - U/3 upper third.

U/A - U/A uric acid.

U/A - U/A urinalysis.

u/ext - u/ext upper extremity.

U/S - U/S ultrasound.

UA - UA absorption unsharpness.

UA - UA ultra-audible.

UA - UA ultrasonic arteriography.

UA - UA umbilical artery.

UA - UA unauthorized absence.

UA - UA unit of analysis.

UA - UA unstable angina.

UA - UA upper airways.

UA - UA upper arm.

UA - UA uric acid.

UA - UA uridylic acid.

UA - UA urinalysis urine analysis.

ua - ua urinalysis.

UA - UA urinary aldosterone.

UA - UA uronic acid.

UA - UA uterine aspiration.

UA/C - UA/C uric acidlcreatinine (ratio).

UAC - UAC umbilical artery catheter.

UAE - UAE unilateral absence of excretion.

UAE - UAE urine albumin excretion.

UAEM - UAEM University Association for Emergency Medicine.

UAI - UAI uterine activity interval.

UAN - UAN uric acid nitrogen.

UAO - UAO upper airway obstruction.

UAP - UAP unlicensed assistive personnel.

UAP - UAP unstable angina pectoris.

UAP - UAP urinary acid phosphatase.

UAP - UAP urinary alkaline phosphatase.

UAPA - UAPA unilateral absence of pulmonary.

UAR - UAR upper airway resistance.

UAR - UAR uric acid riboside.

UAS - UAS upper abdomen surgery.

UAS - UAS upstream activation site.

UASA - UASA United Amputee Services Association.

UAU - UAU uterine activity unit.

UB - UB ultimobranchial body.

UB - UB Unna boot.

UB - UB upper back.

UB - UB urinary bladder.

UBA - UBA undenaturated bacterial antigen.

UBB - UBB ubiquitin B.

UBBC - UBBC unsaturated vitamin B12 binding capacity.

UBC - UBC ubuquitin C.

UBC - UBC University of British Columbia (brace).

UBE - UBE ubiquitin-activating enzyme.

UBG - UBG Ubg urobilinogen.

UBI - UBI ultraviolet blood irradiation.

UBL - UBL undifferentiated B-cell lymphoma.

UBN - UBN urobilin.

UBO - UBO unidentified bright object.

UBO - UBO upper body obesity.

UBP - UBP ureteral back pressure.

UBS - UBS unidentified bright signal.

UBW - UBW usual body weight.

UC - UC ulcerative colitis.

UC - UC ultracentrifugal.

UC - UC umbilical cord.

UC - UC unchanged.

UC - UC unclassifiable.

UC - UC unconscious.

UC - UC undifferentiated cells.

UC - UC unit clerk.

UC - UC unsatisfactory condition.

UC - UC untreated cells.

UC - UC urea clearance.

UC - UC urethral catheterization.

UC - UC urinary catheter.

UC - UC urine concentrate.

UC - UC urine culture.

UC - UC uterine contractions

UCB - UCB unconjugated bilirubin.

UCBC - UCBC umbilical cord blood culture.

UCD - UCD urine collection device.

UCD - UCD usual childhood diseases.

UCDS - UCDS uniform clinical data set.

UCE - UCE urea cycle enzymopathy.

UCG - UCG ultrasonic cardiography.

UCG - UCG urinary chorionic gonadotropin.

UCHD - UCHD usual childhood diseases.

UCI - UCI unusual childhood illness.

UCI - UCI urethral catheter in.

UCI - UCI urinary catheter in.

UCL - UCL ulnar collateral ligament.

UCL - UCL upper collateral ligament.

UCL - UCL upper confidence limit.

UCL - UCL upper control limit.

UCL - UCL urea clearance.

UCLP - UCLP unilateral cleft of lip and palate.

UCO - UCO ultrasonic cardiac output.

UCOD - UCOD underlying cause of death.

UCP - UCP uncoupling protein.

UCP - UCP urinary coproporphyrin.

UCP - UCP urinary C-peptide.

UCPT - UCPT urinary coproporphyrin test.

UCR - UCR unconditioned response.

UCR - UCR usual customary and reasonable (fees).

UCS - UCS unconditioned stimulus.

UCS - UCS unconscious.

ucs - ucs unconscious.

UCS - UCS uterine compression syndrome.

UCT - UCT urological care table.

UCTD - UCTD undifferentiated (unclassifiable) connective tissue disease.

uCTD - uCTD undifferentiated connective tissue disease.

UCV - UCV uncontrolled variable.

UD - UD ulcerative dermatosis.

UD - UD ulnar deviation.

UD - UD underdeveloped.

UD - UD undetermined.

UD - UD unit dose.

UD - UD urethral dilatation.

UD - UD urethral discharge.

UD - UD uridine diphosphate.

UD - UD uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase.

UD - UD uterine delivery.

UDC - UDC usual diseases of childhood.

UDCA - UDCA ursodeoxycholic acid.

UDKase - UDKase uridine diphosphate kinase.

UDN - UDN ulcerative dermal necrosis.

UDO - UDO undetermined origin.

UDP - UDP uridine diphosphate.

UDPG - UDPG uridine diphosphate glucose.

UDPG - UDPG urine diphosphoglucose.

UDPGA - UDPGA uridine diphosphate glucuronic acid.

UDPGT - UDPGT uridine diphosphate glucuronosyl transferase.

UDR-BMD - UDR-BMD ultradistal radius bone mineral density.

UDRP - UDRP urine diribose phosphate.

UDS - UDS ultrasound Doppler sonography.

UDS - UDS uniform data system.

UDS - UDS unscheduled deoxynucleic acid synthesis.

UDUN - UDUN under developed under nourished.

UE - UE (extremitas) upper extremity.

UE - UE uncertain etiology.

UE - UE under elbow.

UE - UE uninvolved epidermis.

UE - UE upper esophagus.

UE - UE upper extremity.

uE~ - uE~ unconjugated estriol.

UEG - UEG ultrasonic encephalography.

UEG - UEG unifocal eosinophilic granuloma.

UEHB - UEHB uniform effective health benefits.

UEL - UEL upper explosive limit.

UEM - UEM universal electron microscope.

UEMC - UEMC unidentified endosteal marrow cell.

UES - UES upper esophageal sphincter.

UES - UES upper esophageal sphincter.

UF - UF film unshapness.

UF - UF ultrafiltration.

UF - UF ultrafine.

UF - UF ultraflltrate.

UF - UF ultrasonic frequency.

UF - UF universal feeder.

UF - UF unknown factor.

UF - UF urinary formaldehyde.

UFA - UFA unesterifled fatty acid.

UFB - UFB urinary fat bodies.

UFC - UFC urinary free cortisol.

UFD - UFD ultrasonic flow detector.

UFD - UFD unilateral facet dislocation.

UFFI - UFFI urea formaldehyde foam insulation.

UFL - UFL upper flammable limit.

UFP - UFP ultrafiltration pressure.

UFR - UFR ultrafiltration rate.

UFR - UFR urine filtration rate.

uFSH - uFSH urinary follicle-stimulating hormone.

UG - UG geometric unsharpness.

UG - UG urogastrone.

UG - UG urogenital.

UGD - UGD urogenital diaphragm.

UGDP - UGDP University Group Diabetes Project.

UGF - UGF unidentified growth factor.

UGH - UGH uveitis-glaucoma-hyphema (syndrome).

UGH+ - UGH+ uveitis-glaucoma-hyphema plus vitreous hemorrhage (syndrome).

UGI - UGI (see GI) upper gastrointestinal.

UGIB - UGIB upper gastrointestinal biopsy.

UGIB - UGIB upper gastrointestinal bleeding.

UGIH - UGIH upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage.

UGIS - UGIS upper gastrointestinal series.

UGT - UGT uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase.

UH - UH 82 universal billing document (1982).

UH - UH unfractionated heparin.

UHDPE - UHDPE ultra-high-density-polyethylene.

UHF - UHF ultra high frequency

UHF - UHF uterine blood flow.

UHMWPE - UHMWPE ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene.

UICC - UICC Union Internationale Contre le Cancer - International Union Against Cancer.

UIP - UIP usual interstitial pneumonia.

ULN - ULN upper limits of normal.

ULQ - ULQ upper left quadrant.

ultra - ultra ultrasound.

umb. - umb. umbilicus (navel).

UMN - UMN upper motor neuron (signs).

UN-E - UN-E ulnar neuropathy at the elbow.

UNDP - UNDP United Nations Development Program.

UNFPA - UNFPA United Nations Family Planning Association.

ung - ung ointment.

UNK - UNK unknown.

UO - UO urethral catheter out.

UO - UO urinary catheter out.

UP - UP ultrafilterable platinum.

UP - UP unipolar.

UPJ - UPJ ureteropelvic junction.

UPOJ - UPOJ University of Pennsylvania Orthopaedic Journal.

UPR - UPR unfolded protein response.

UPR - UPR unipolar recurrent depression.

UPr/C - UPr/C urine protein-to-creatinine ratios.

UPSI - UPSI unprotected sexual intercourse.

UPT - UPT urinary pregnancy test.

ur. - ur. urine.

URI - URI upper respiratory tract infection.

Urol. - Urol. urology.

URQ - URQ upper right quadrant.

URTI - URTI upper respiratory tract infection.

US - US ultrasound.

USAN - USAN United States Adopted Names.

USDA - USDA US Department of Agriculture.

USH - USH usual state of health.

USP - USP US pharmacopeea.

USPHS - USPHS United States Public Health Service.

UST - UST ultrasound therapy.

UTD - UTD up to date.

UTI - UTI urinary tract infection.

UUA - UUA urokinase urine activity.

UV - UV ultraviolet.

UVJ - UVJ ureterovesical junction.

UVR - UVR ultra violet radiation.

UWUN - UWUN underweight under nourished.

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