
Transcribed Documents-Section II

Transcribing Abbreviations

This section consists of the final transcripts for abbreviation audio dictations. Please compare your transcribed abbreviation with these transcripts. Try to remember these abbreviations as they are quite frequently used by physicians.

Abbreviation - Completed forms
A&P - Anterior and posterior.
A&P - Auscultation and palpation.
A1 - Aortic first sound.
A2 - Aortic second sound.
AAT - Auditory apperception test.
AAL - Anterior axillary line.
ABC - Absolute bone conduction.
ABG - Arterial blood gases
ACE - Angiotensin converting enzyme
ACLS - Advanced cardiac life support.
ACTH - Adrenocorticotrophic hormone
ADH - Antidiuretic hormone
AF - Atrial fibrillation
AI - Aortic insufficiency
AIDS - Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
ALL - Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
ALT - Alanine transaminase
AML - Acute myeloid leukemia
ANA - Antinuclear antibody
ANF - Antinuclear factor
ARDS - Adult respiratory distress syndrome
ARF - Acute renal failure
AS - Aortic stenosis
ASAP - As soon as possible
ASD - Atrial septal defect
ASO - Antistreptolysin o
AST - Aspartate transaminase
ATN - Acute tubular necrosis
AXR - Abdominal x-ray
BC - Blood culture
bid - Twice daily
BMT - Bone marrow transplant
BP - Blood pressure
BS - Bowel sounds or breath sounds
BUN - Blood urea nitrogen
Bx - Biopsy
c - Cum
C&S - Culture and sensitivity
c/o - Complaining of
CABG - Coronary artery bypass graft
CAPD - Chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
CBD - Common bile duct
CCF - Congestive cardiac failure
CCU - Coronary care unit
CEA - Carcinoembryonic enzyme
CF - Cystic fibrosis
CMV - Cytomegalovirus
CNS - Central nervous system
COAD - Chronic obstructive airway disease
COLD - Chronic obstructive lung disease
COPD - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CP - Chest pain
CPR - Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CRF - Chronic renal failure
CS - Caesarean section
CSF - Cerebrospinal fluid
CT - Computerized tomography
CVA - Cerebrovascular accident
CVP - Central venous pressure
CVS - Cardiovascular system
CXR - Chest x-ray
Cy - Cyanosis
D&V - Diarrhea and vomiting
D/C - Discharge
D/W - Discussed with
DD - Differential diagnosis
DH - Drug history
DIC - Disseminated intravascular coagulation
DIP - Distal interphalangeal
DOB - Date of birth
DU - Duodenal ulcer
DVT - Deep venous thrombosis
EBV - Epstein-Barr virus
ECG - Electrocardiogram
EEG - Electroencephalogram
EMG - Electromyography
EMU - Early morning urine
Ep - Epilepsy
ERCP - Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
ESR - Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
F/U - Follow up
FBC - Full blood count
FDP - Fibrin degradation product
FEV1 - Forced expiratory volume in 1 second
FFP - Fresh frozen plasma
FH - Family history
FOB - Fecal occult blood
FSH - Follicle stimulating hormone
FUO - Fever of unknown origin
FVC - Forced vital capacity
GABA - Gamma-aminobutyric acid
GFR - Glomerular filtration rate
GGT - Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase
GH - Growth hormone
GIS - Gastrointestinal system
GN - Glomerulonephritis
GP - General practitioner
GTN - Glycerol trinitrate
GUS - Genito-urinary system
GVH - Graft versus host disease
HBV - Hepatitis B virus
HIV - Human immunodeficiency virus
HLA - Human leukocyte antigen
HOCM - Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
HPC - History of presenting complaint
HR - Heart rate
HRT - Hormone replacement therapy
HS - Heart sounds
HSV - Herpes simplex virus
HT - Hypertension
Hx - History
IBD - Inflammatory bowel disease
ICP - Intracranial pressure
ICU - Intensive care unit
IDDM - Insulin-dependant dm
IDL - Intermediate density lipoprotein
IHD - Ischemic heart disease
IM - Infectious mononucleosis
INR - International normalized ratio
ITP - Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
IUCD - Intra-uterine contraceptive device
IVC - Inferior vena cava
IVI - Intravenous infusion
IVU - Intravenous urography
JVP - Jugular venous pressure
KCO - Transfer factor for carbon monoxide
L - Left or lymphadenopathy
LA - Left atrium
LAD - Lymphadenopathy
LAD - Left axis deviation
LBBB - Left bundle branch block
LDH - Lactate dehydrogenase
LDL - Low density lipoprotein
LFT - Liver function test
LH - Luteinizing hormone
LIF - Left iliac fossa
LOC - Loss of consciousness
LP - Lumbar puncture
LUQ - Left upper quadrant
LVF - Left ventricular failure
LVH - Left ventricular hypertrophy
man. prim. - First thing in the morning
MCV - Mean corpuscular volume
MEN - Multiple endocrine neoplasia
MHC - Major histocompatibility complex
MI - Myocardial infarction
MR - Mitral regurgitation
MS - Mitral stenosis or multiple sclerosis
MSU - Midstream urine
MTP - Metatarsophalangeal
N/A - Not applicable
NAD - No abnormality detected
NAP - Neutrophil alkaline phosphatase
NBM - Nil by mouth
NGT - Nasogastric tube
NMR - Nuclear magnetic resonance
nocte - At night
NOF - Neck of femur
NPO - Nil per os (nil by mouth)
NSAID - Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
NYD - Not yet diagnosed
O/D - Overdose
O/E - On examination
OA - Osteoarthritis
o.d. - Once daily
OGTT - Oral glucose tolerance test
P/C - Presenting complaint
PA - Pulmonary artery
PABA - Para-aminobenzoic acid
PAS - P-aminosalicylic acid
PBC - Primary biliary cirrhosis
PCP - Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
PCV - Packed cell volume
PDA - Patent ductus arteriosus
PE - Pulmonary embolism
PEFR - Peek expiratory flow rate
PID - Pelvic inflammatory disease
PIP - Proximal interphalangeal
PM - Post-mortem
PMH - Past medical history
PND - Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
PO - Per os
PPD - Purified protein derivative
PPP - Peripheral pulses palpable
PPS - Plasma protein solution
PR - Per rectum
PRN - Pro re nata
PRV - Polycythemia rubra vera
PT - Patient or prothrombin time
PTH - Parathyroid hormone
PTT - Partial thromboplastin time
PTTK - Partial thromboplastin time with
PUO - Pyrexia of unknown origin
PUVA - Psoralen ultraviolet A
PV - Per vaginum
PVD - Peripheral vascular disease
q.i.d. - Four times a day
RA - Rheumatoid arthritis
RAD - Right axis deviation
RAST - Radio-allergosorbent test
RBBB - Right bundle branch block
RF - Rheumatoid factor or rheumatic fever
RF - Rheumatoid factor or rheumatic fever
RIF - Right iliac fossa
ROM - Range of movement
RR - Respiratory rate
RS - Respiratory system
RUQ - Right upper quadrant
RVF - Right ventricular failure
S/B - Seen by
S/E - Systemic enquiry
SACD - Subacute combined degeneration
SBE - Subacute bacterial endocarditis
SH - Social history
SLE - Systemic lupus erythematosus
SOA - Swelling of ankles
SOB(OE) - Shortness of breath
SOL - Space occupying lesion
STD - Sexually transmitted disease
SVC - Superior vena cava
SVT - Supraventricular tachycardia
TB - Tuberculosis
t.i.d. - Ter in die
TFT - Thyroid function test
TIA - Transient ischemic attack
TIBC - Total iron binding capacity
TPHA - Treponema pallidum hemagglutination assay
TPN - Total parenteral nutrition
TRH - Thyroid releasing hormone
TSH - Thyroid stimulating hormone
TURP - Transurethral resection of prostate
Tx - Therapy
U/E - Urea and electrolytes
U/S - Ultrasound
UC - Ulcerative colitis
URTI - Upper respiratory tract infection
UTI - Urinary tract infection

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