

PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Benign prostatic hypertrophy, and hypercholesterolemia.

MEDICATIONS: Proscar, Flomax, and aspirin.

FAMILY HISTORY: Negative for GI malignancies, inflammatory bowel disease, or peptic ulcer disease.

SOCIAL HISTORY: The patient quit smoking 40 years ago; no history of alcohol abuse.

REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: The patient denies nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fevers, chills, melena, bright red blood per rectum, constipation, diarrhea, unintentional weight loss, or loss of appetite.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Reveals an eschar measuring about 2 cm on the right lateral aspect of the anterior portion of the tongue. Palpation does not reveal any hematoma. There is no fluctuance. There is no drainage from this wound. There may be a portion of what looks like a chromic suture, which is still in the area. There is no evidence of any mandibular fracture. The teeth are not fractured. Examination reveals no tenderness in the cervical spine. The patient has normal range of motion and is able to ambulate without any difficulty. He also has ecchymosis involving the left hand.

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